Quotes on Manipulation! Short, Emotional Manipulation Sayings

Quotes on Manipulation and Deceit

  • “Everybody has the ability to be manipulative, to be hateful and deceitful.” —Neil LaBute
  • “When it comes to controlling human beings there is no better instrument than lies. Because, you see, humans live by beliefs. And beliefs can be manipulated.” —Michael Ende
  • “When it comes to controlling human beings, there is no better instrument than lies. Because you see, humans live by beliefs. And beliefs can be manipulated. The power to manipulate beliefs is the only thing that counts.” —Michael Ende
  • “The theist can only find meaning by leaving this life for a transcendental world beyond the grave. The human world as he finds it is empty of ‘ultimate purpose’ and hence meaningless. Theism thus is an attempt to escape from the human condition; it is a pathetic deceit.” —Paul Kurtz

Emotional Quotes on Manipulation

  • “If your voice held no power they wouldn’t try to silence you.”
  • “Fear is a manipulative emotion that can trick us into living a boring life.” —Donald Miller
  • “There is no use in trying to be honest with an emotional manipulator. You make a statement and it will be turned around.”
  • Emotional abuse is any type of abuse that is not physical in nature. It can include everything from verbal abuse to the silent treatment, domination to subtle manipulation.” —Beverly Engel
  • The concept of romantic love affords a means of emotional manipulation which the male is free to exploit, since love is the only circumstance in which the female is (ideologically) pardoned for sexual activity.” —Kate Millett
  • “If you allow the people in your life to make more emotional withdrawals than deposits, you will soon find yourself in negative equity. You need to know when to close the account. Don’t allow anyone to drain you emotionally.”

Family Quotes On Manipulation

  • “Never let someone who adds very little to a relationship, control so much of it.”
  • “I do respect people’s faith. But I don’t respect their manipulation of that faith in order to create fear and control.”
  • “If someone did something enough to make you remove them from your life, don’t be foolish enough to invite them back in.”
  • “Manipulative people do not understand the concept of boundaries. They are relentless in their pursuit of what they want and they have no regard for who gets hurt along the way.”
  • “Rise to the challenge of bringing your dreams to life! Do not be discouraged by resistance, be nourished by it. Success is the experience of rising to the feel of your true greatness.” —Dr. Steve Maraboli
  • “When it comes to controlling human beings there is no better instrument than lies. Because, you see, humans life by beliefs. And beliefs can be manipulated. The power to manipulate beliefs is the only thing that counts.” —Michael Ende
  • “Family isn’t always blood. It’s the people in your life who want you in theirs; the ones who accept you for who you are. The ones who would do anything to see you smile and who LOVE YOU no matter what.”

Short Manipulation Quotes

  • ‘Be so much more the man’.
  • ‘None of woman born shall harm Macbeth.’
  • ‘Screw your courage to the sticking place.’
  • ‘When you durst do it, then you were a man’.
  • ‘Look like the innocent flower but be the Serpent underneath it’.
  • “If your voice held no power they wouldn’t try to silence you.”
  • ‘Yet I do fear thy nature is too full o’th milk of human kindness.’
  • “Everybody has the ability to be manipulative, to be hateful and deceitful.” —Neil LaBute
  • “Never let someone who adds very little to a relationship, control so much of it.”
  • “Fear is a manipulative emotion that can trick us into living a boring life.” —Donald Miller

Lady Macbeth Manipulation Quotes

  • ‘Be so much more the man’.
  • ‘None of woman born shall harm Macbeth.’
  • ‘Screw your courage to the sticking place.’
  • ‘When you durst do it, then you were a man’.
  • ‘Look like the innocent flower but be the Serpent underneath it’.
  • ‘Yet I do fear thy nature is too full o’th milk of human kindness.’